Friday, November 28, 2008

Thing#23 The End?

Its all over,Learn&Play is drawing to a close. I'm ver happy to have particiapted in Learn&Play because it has taught me a lot of new thingsa I dodn't know about the internet. I've been using the internet for years and I am fairly confident in my abilites to get around. Even with the prior experience Learn&Play has taught me how to use RSS feeds, how to actually use twitter and what that site does, it helped me discover some fun new programs such some image generators and some cool free flash stuff. Thanks to learn and play I can now use sites such as delicous for bookmarking and flickr for finding reference images for my artwork. If the library ever offered another Learn&Play program I would gladly sign up. I though I knew EVERYTHING about the internet,but thanks to Learn&Play I now know there is so much more to learn and how to use it.

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