Monday, November 17, 2008

Thing#20 Youtube

Oh the youtubes, where would I be without you. Thnaks to youtube my personal productivity has dropped severly. Personally I love youtube and love its ability to provide me with everything from entertainment to video reference. My only complaint with youtube is that the use of copyrighted material is often scrutinized and removed. Mnay a times a show I love will get posted on youtube and will be remvoed soon after. This is pretty depressing becasue many of the shows that get posted on youtube aren't available on dvd or on television.
The videos below are two that I find amusing. I can't garuantee they are in good taste, but that's the price we pay when everyone can upload their own videos online.

First off is a burning tickle-me-elmo. I'm Pretty sure many people can agree with me that this little red fiend has brought many a parent and child pain and suffering,and as the video proves fire only serves to fuel Elmo's happy demeanor.

Second is proof why not everyone is cut out for the music business. Below is Electronik Supersonik which is cited by some as the WORST music video of all time. I'll just let the video do the taking.

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