Friday, November 21, 2008

Thing#22 Ebooks and MOLDI

I've never really been a big fan of Ebooks only because I don't like the idea of losing printed media as a way to convey information,plus staring at a computer screen hurts my eyes sometimes, especially when reading lots of text. Even though I feel this way I really do like the idea of MOLDI. After searching through it I'm very surprised with the amount of good books they have available. I assume MOLDI is free,since I couldn't log in because my library card number is apparently not found, but if it is a free service I could really see myself using it. I was happy they have a copy of Slaughterhouse Five, a book I've been trying to get around to reading for awhile. When it comes to older more classic books, I tend use Halfprice books for finding them since Barnes and Noble usually sells newer copies at higher prices. And being a college student and all I like to save money. With MOLDI I can find many books I've been trying to track down and read more easily and without having to go purchase it or hope that the library is open or having to reserve the book. As long as MOLDI continues to get more support I could see this service becoming an evemn bigger asset to not only our library but to other library systems as well.

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